What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF4
Click the dropdowns below to review the Fixes included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF4.

Saved price changes are retained when refilling AutoFill prescriptions.
Prescriptions enrolled in AutoFill can be reauthorized from the New Rx > Profile window. The Workbench date for the refill is recalculated according to the new reauthorized prescription. For more information on AutoFill, see AutoFill: Auto-Processing Prescriptions.

When a prescription is detailed for Packaging from the Workflow tab, the Packaging window should open, instead of the previously opened window. For more information on Packaging, see Packaging the Prescription – Scan Verify.

When a new pharmacy is added to the Other Pharmacy list, only a single row for the pharmacy should be added. The Transfer Out report should show the correct pharmacy information. For more information on the Other Pharmacy list, see Other Pharmacy List.

A prompt has been added to remind users to sync the doctor to the PrescribeIT registry, if not already done, prior to processing a PrescribeIT® prescription or moving it to Data Entry. For more information on syncing a PrescribeIT® doctor, see Synchronizing Prescribers Using PrescribeIT® Registry Compare .

Dukoral prescriptions should not prompt for an expiry date when filling.

Mixtures should upload to Netcare successfully. PIN 999995 is submitted for methadone mixtures. PIN 999999 is submitted for non-methadone mixtures.